#DIA2011 Top 10 Tweets

Here's a sampling of the twitter conversation during Design in Action 2011.

bet_miller Beth Miller
Great day #DIA2011... all tuckered out with visions of neighborhoods+inspiring words from #teddycruz #aaronlevy #davidjurca #dianalindindex

romanmars Roman Mars
Had a great time chatting w/ the architecture & design nerds today at #dia2011- Thanks to Micheal Wood & @AAOnet for inviting me! An honor.

ronbogle Ron Bogle
Mayor Nutter: "Planning matters. Design Matters." Yes sir! #DIA2011

freetots Trinity Simons
Philly goal to have 75% of population live within 1/4 mile of open space and fresh fruit and vegetables @Michael_Nutter #DIA2011

rosefellowship Rose Fellowship
Rural design at #DIA2011 - If 80% of people will live on 20% of land, remember 20% will live on 80%. social, landscape, design implications?

JasonSchupbach Jason Schupbach
Learning the amazing history of community design centers. Such useful information, can't wait to get the papers and data! #DIA2011

jmasengarb Jen Masengarb
Community design panel: "What you do on yr own is what you already know. What you do in collaboration is what you don't yet know." #DIA2011

rosefellowship Rose Fellowship
Alan Greenberger: Design is about the life we live. Down economy has refocused people on fact that design is an ordinary act. #DIA2011

ccalvarez ccalvarez
To make arch & design routine discourse for laypeople make the messages & language easy to understand. Knock off jargon! #dia2011

ACDtweets ACD Tweets
Great discussion at noon session about creating a peace park on the River Jordan. Inspiring + innovative collaborative methods #dia2011

Posted by aao on October 27, 2011 - 10:00am